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Activities at Campus WOB

Day trips, basketball practice, dance, workshops, theme-based parties… and what else? At Campus WOB you’ll find more activities than you could possibly imagine: there’s basketball for players of all skill levels, Acro Yoga, English lessons or emotional intelligence exercises, just to name a few. Mornings, evenings and nights are full of exciting activities which are led by professionals from both the world of sports and the performing arts, creating a universe of fun and learning, an unforgettable experience. Discover all our camp’s activities!

Here are just some of the special activities things you can enjoy this summer at Campus WOB!

Our activities are not only fun and exciting – they also seek to accomplish an important goal: to help campers develop essential skills such as creativity, teamwork, managing emotions and identifying their talents. And don’t forget that camp also includes a day trip to Aqualand Torremolinos, the biggest and most exciting water park in Andalusia. But that’s not all! We will soon be revealing the most surprising new feature for Campus WOB 2019.


Basketball is at the heart of our camp. Daily activities are designed to improve campers’ basketball skills, no matter if they are beginners or highly competitive players. Every year a star player from the NBA comes to our camp and our campers have the unique opportunity to meet, speak and play with an NBA player like they never have before!

Our campers are coached by top-notch basketball professionals and in 2017 we will once again be lucky enough to operate under the guidance of Bernardo Rodríguez, the Technical Director at Campus WOB. If you’re interested in learning more about his philosophy as a basketball coach to young players, check out this interview.

Silent WOB Disco

Imagine a dance floor full of Campus WOB campers dancing to their own tune. From the outside, there’s only silence. Everyone is wearing wireless headphones and can choose the channel that they want to listen to, one for the DJ and another for the band.

This revolutionary, original and innovative way to party has become increasingly popular at the world’s top music festivals, making it possible to create curious interactions and silent connections among all participants. It also encourages participants to laugh and move their bodies freely while feeling the music in a more personal and intimate way while enjoying top quality sound.

This year at Campus WOB Caixa Bank, we are happy to announce that our most popular night show, the SILENT WOB DISCO, is back!

Music is in you

We are excited to present this brand-new activity at SPORT & EXPERIENCE Camp, which will be run by camp musicians Tony Romero and Julia Martín.

They will teach campers how to make music using simple instruments like body percussion, vocal sounds, their voice and other instruments, learning how to record these sounds at a looping station.
All our teams will work together to record an unedited version of our camp’s new song, “ONE”, which we will show on our large screen at camp’s closing ceremony.

AQUAvelis TORRE del mar

Summertime in Malaga is synonymous with hot and sunny weather, so to help campers cool off after all their fun in the sun, this year we’re bringing back one of our campers’ favorite activities: a trip to a water park!

And we’re not talking about any old water park. This is Aquavelis, a theme park that’s jam-packed with giant water slides, pools, water tubes and fun for everyone. Don’t forget to bring a swimsuit – you’ll need it as you slip and slide your way to fun and adventure with your friends at camp.


At Campus WOB we strongly believe that a focus on emotional intelligence is highly beneficial to schools, individuals and society in general. That’s why we found the perfect person to bring emotional intelligence to our camps: teacher and Director at “El Parque de las Emociones”, Mayalén Marín. Learn more in this interview!

In this unique activity, campers are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities, including storytelling, painting, mindfulness, learning emotional management techniques and above all, developing their creativity and autonomy in a safe and relaxing environment where the mind and heart are in perfect harmony.


As its name suggests, Acro Yoga combines the physical prowess of acrobatics with the relaxation and spirituality of yoga. It’s a discipline that helps you train your body and soul, while encouraging values such as trust, respect, listening and teamwork.

Find out more about the benefits of Acro Yoga in this interview of Sandra San José, Acro Yoga teacher at Campus WOB and a specialist in the field. Under her leadership, campers will learn to find the balance that will help them to move forward and grow together.

Wobland dance

Dance is an art form that uses the body as a means of non-verbal expression and communication, an original and beautiful way to get in touch with all your senses. Our Dance Workshops are led by the sensational dancer and choreographer Ximena Carnavale, who helps campers immerse themselves in the fantastic world of dance, where they have fun while learning to express their feeling and emotions through music and body movement.

If you want to learn our camp’s new dance routine, check out this awesome video.


At Campus WOB CaixaBank we promote our campers’ audiovisual education. This year we are proud to start an exciting new project, the WOBLAND CHANNEL.

Every day we will record and edit a 3-minute program featuring our campers and daily activities, which we will show every night on our large screen, just before we start our night show, and post on our web page and social media for families and followers to enjoy.

Radio Wobland

Getting up is not the same as waking up. During your stay at the Campus, Wobland Radio will make a difference.

A selection of good music, challenges and live games, interviews and many other surprises are the resources that we will use so this radio program to get all our summer campers ready every morning.

Retro games

The act of playing is not something new. Throughout history, there have been many resources that have been used with the only purpose of interact and have a good time. At the WOB summer camp, in our desire to provide our boys and girls with different experiences, we look to the past as a means to understand and live the present.

This is why thanks to our amazing video consoles we offer the campers  the possibility of experiencing classic games, which technical simplicity have been entertaining over the years. The secret is very simple, most contemplate the game not from the individuality but from the collective, from the group, as is the case with our football or air hockey machine. A journey through time to interact and meet new classmates.

Swimming pool or water fun

We know that water activities are a big part of the summer experience, so at WOB Campus we put a big emphasis on our pool activities. At the pool, in addition to enjoying this fabulous installation in a free and relaxed way, the Wobers will also participate in the variety of activities proposed for each day.

A fun pool, flooded with music, theme parties, water sports and other challenges so that participants always have sufficient resources to interact with other campers, in addition to living a different and very complete aquatic experience.

WOB Island

WOB Island is the heart of Wobland, where a whole diverse world of experiences comes together.

Relaxation and shade chill out areas where you can find a moment of rest, meeting areas where you can enjoy a good musical selection, share experiences with other campers, workshops where you can develop your creativity or meet other colleagues from the camp … A site designed for meeting and the experience of all Wobland members.

Swimming pool or water fun

Enjoying the darkness of the night is not always easy when we are dealing with teenager boys and girls. Our proposal, entitled Black Night, starts with this objective.

Understanding the night and darkness not from the lack of protection, but as a context that allows us to explore our four senses with intensity and amazement.

On this unusual night, our activities will be designed to explore the senses of taste, touch, smell and hearing. An exciting walk through an amazing world of unexplored sensations.


Living basketball is a priority for the WOB camp, so we don’t stop our restless minds in order to offer creative activities and completely unusual experiences of this wonderful sports practice.

BasketGlow is one of our best examples, and in Wobland when the sun goes down, the basket doesn’t stop… Our Wobers will play even at night… when is dark! In this activity, the Wobers will be able to experience playing in the dark with self-illuminated balls, tracks with lines, baskets and networks reactive to black light and fluorescent equipment. A unique experience that will undoubtedly make them live basketball in a different way.

Songkran. Foam party

Closing the season celebrating a New Year’s party, such as the Thai Songkran party, seems like a fun proposal that involves a great metaphor.

Every end is the beginning of something new and in our particular Songkran party we will enjoy the water, a foam and other activities that will be the magical end to the Wobland experience.

Costume party

Costumes are the perfect excuse to have fun, for the disinhibition of being something different, for the imagination, to create new realities, with other skills, with other characteristics, looking different.

A whole creative world that generates a magical and peculiar environment in which campers interact without personal complexes and relaxed. Music, in our CostumeParty, is the base to generate these symbiosis and creative experiences, and the choreographies, games on tracks and other dynamizations, our best resources.

Reading club

In Wobland there is time for everything and, of course, also to enjoy reading. When we design each edition of Campus WOB, we understand that rest or introspective moments are as important as active ones.

As in music, silences are vital, it is essential that Wobland be able to enjoy moments with oneself and we consider that reading is the perfect context to generate these personal spaces. Therefore, at WOB Campus we design places where, in addition to having access to reading books, our Wobers can enjoy them in a leisurely and relaxed way.

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